Our Toddler Class (2 years old)

Young children want to engage and participate in purposeful activities. There are three essential traits about children of this age that shape our educational curriculum:

  • their deep curiosity of the world around them,
  • their significantly increased capacity to absorb language,
  • their eagerness to become independent.

A peaceful learning environment that promotes a sense of achievement

In our learning environment, colors are muted, the atmosphere peaceful and the classroom is organized, clean, and uncluttered.

Children work independently, observe others, and express their curiosity and creativity.

We give them the freedom to safely explore and learn through discovery.

Our teachers create an educational setting that is calm, inviting, and homelike, with easily accessible books and learning materials organized on low shelves and in baskets. The materials are designed to foster concentration, problem solving, and a sense of achievement.

Child-sized furniture, utensils, and other tools enable children to make independent choices, building self-confidence, concentration, and critical thinking skills.  

The curriculum for our 2-year-olds

Children complete activities that further develop their language, expand their fine motor skills and refine their gross motor skills. They discover art and music. They learn to take care of themselves and of the larger world around them.

A language-rich environment - To master communication at a young age

Children are exposed to French and, as a result, develop a broad vocabulary at a young age.

Each day, children hear rich, precise vocabulary and grammar through carefully chosen songs and read-aloud books and stories, so that they can continuously improve their communication skills and build their active listening skills.

Teachers offer them numerous lessons in this area through activities such as:

  • reading books,
  • naming and identifying real objects,
  • naming and identifying replicas of objects or things,
  • language cards,
  • pictures descriptions.

Social and emotional learning - To develop a sense of independence in a trusting environment

The classroom is a community in which respect for the independence and character of your child is paramount.

Our teachers are calm, gentle, soft-spoken, patient, and trusting. They demonstrate respect and compassion by using eye contact, kneeling to the level of the child, addressing your children by their name, and speaking before touching or moving them.

As children grow throughout the school year, our curriculum builds upon their deeper understanding of emotions.

Teachers give lessons on social norms like how to politely decline an offer and how to greet someone they haven't met before. This helps develop a kind and harmonious atmosphere in the classroom.

Because children move freely in their class environment, they have frequent opportunities to socialize with their classmates.

In turn, they learn to recognize different emotions, express wants and needs, and develop a sense of independence and personal space. Teachers support children communicating with each other. They assist them in navigating conversations and finding words to express their feelings and set boundaries.

Cognitive development - Building the foundations of learning more complex concepts

In our 2-year old Montessori program, children strengthen their attention span, begin to understand functional relationships and the natural world around them.

They build their cognitive functions by observing people and things from various perspectives and apply learned skills in new situations. They also build the foundations for mathematical comprehension through early quantity and number concepts, including filling and emptying, putting in and taking out, taking things apart, and putting things back together.

Finally, they identify familiar objects, build their active listening skills, and improve communication through gestures and language.

Motor skills and toilet training - Learning practical skills to care for themselves and their environment

Gross and fine motor skills

Our physical development curriculum include building gross and fine motor skills, gaining an understanding of body awareness and control, and developing coordination, balance, flexibility, and stamina.

Practical Life

These activities are designed to help  young child develop practical skills to care for themselves and their environment, as well as to strengthen their concentration and fine and gross motor skills.

The children participate in a variety of activities including: 

  • food preparation - chopping, slicing, grating, mashing, stirring, peeling, scooping, kneading bread;
  • care of Self - washing hands, changing clothes, washing face, brushing hair, brushing teeth, cleaning shoes;
  • care of Environment - washing dishes, washing cloths, wiping and drying a table, scrubbing a table, drying a spill, mopping, sweeping, crumbing a table, dusting, cleaning a window, polishing wood;
  • care of Plants -  watering plants, cleaning leaves, dusting plants, arranging flowers, seed germination, plant transplanting.

Going to the toilet independently

One of the most important ways a toddler learns to be independent is by using the toilet on her/his own.

Our staff help children recognize the signs and help them to become motivated to learn.

Older children set an example and inspire the younger children to try.

Art and music


Art introduces a variety of skills to 2-years old.

Through art, they further develop their fine motor skills and they continue learning the basics of math as they count pieces and colors. Science and creativity abound as they experiment with materials.

Art boosts their self-confidence as they feel proud of their creation. The ability to experiment and make mistakes enables new ways of thinking and problem solving.

In our program, young children are seen:

  • painting at the easel with water-based paint,
  • coloring using a block crayon or smaller crayons,
  • gluing shapes onto paper,
  • using chalk at the chalkboard,
  • using the shape punch to make new shapes,
  • sewing using the cards and making different patterns with the strings. 


When exposed to music, the body and the mind work together and  music helps toddlers learn the sounds and meanings of words.

In our classrooms, a  variety of rhythm instruments are available for use like egg shakers, tambourines, hand drums, xylophones, rhythm blocks, and small bells.

Children listen to different artists or composers for music appreciation and sing songs both seasonal and year-round favorites.

Both fine and gross motor skills are developed through the use of musical instruments and the ability to move and dance help toddlers practice self-expression.

Music also helps strengthen their memory skills.