A Music Education

The idea that every child has musical potential and all children can learn and express themselves musically permeates the Montessori method. At L’Enfant, music activities are respected at the same level as any other form of learning.

Our curriculum supports and encourages our students’ musical endeavors.

Children learn with music, learn about music, and learn by music.

Music is incorporated into our Montessori curriculum in the daily classroom environment

For example, ear training is developed beginning in early childhood through sound exploration with Montessori bells

Additionally, once a week, each Primary House receives the visit of a professional music teacher who further enhances the musical experience and exploration of our students.

Musical Process in our Primary Houses

  1. Observed Introduction: The teacher silently models the music work (i.e., activity or concept) while the children observe. “Silently” in the music environment, where sound predominates, means modeling is done without preface, explanation, or discussion allowing children to observe and form their own idea of how the work can be completed successfully. This modeling may be repeated as necessary.
  2. Reinforcement: Routine and repetition of the work as many times as the child needs for success or wishes for enjoyment.
  3. Performance: “Sharing” the work for the teachers, peers, or family, in informal or formal settings.